
Up The Bay

Up the bay January 4th 2017.  A few weeks into the third split of waterfowl season and we had been enjoying some decent hunting most mornings, not setting the world on fire but some birds were in the area.  The winter had been pretty mild with...

A time of estuaries

Gone again, 6300 miles from the good old Eastern Shore. We touched down at the bottom of the Americas. In Chile, in fact, the bottom of Chile on Magellan's strait. 496 years ago Fernando cruised through here. Seems like a very long time ago, however,...

Waterfowl hunting 2014

The late season of 2014/15   Our birds never showed up until very late, this trend seems to be continuing.  This year the geese especially were far behind.  Normally we would have our large groups in late December, it was late January before they showed up. Despite the...

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