![A good sized early season largemouth]()
A good sized early season largemouth
![You need a lot of rod holders to troll for flounder]()
You need a lot of rod holders to troll for flounder
![a couple early spring flounder on a bucktail]()
a couple early spring flounder on a bucktail
![A nice catch of early spring flounder. Now this is the start of a fine dinner.]()
A nice catch of early spring flounder. Now this is the start of a fine dinner.
![Nice rock trolling the Pocomoke sound]()
Nice rock trolling the Pocomoke sound
![Giant rockfish from late november]()
Giant rockfish from late november
![the first year they showed up in force in the chesapeake]()
the first year they showed up in force in the chesapeake
![redfish from chesapeake bay]()
redfish from chesapeake bay
![Bayside off exmore in the chesapeake]()
Bayside off exmore in the chesapeake
![More redfish in the chesapeake bay off bayford]()
More redfish in the chesapeake bay off bayford
![from the bayside pocomoke sound]()
from the bayside pocomoke sound
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