![Leftover christmas trees work good!]()
Leftover christmas trees work good!
![Frozen wonder duck, we do not recommend...]()
Frozen wonder duck, we do not recommend...
![Wicomico county Canvasbacks!]()
Wicomico county Canvasbacks!
![Couple snows came in for us]()
Couple snows came in for us
![RRA LAR-8 .308 with Trijicon scope]()
RRA LAR-8 .308 with Trijicon scope
![Bunch of us were goose hunting, great morning.]()
Bunch of us were goose hunting, great morning.
![Made up a batch of Bacon wrapped duck poppers, it was KILLER]()
Made up a batch of Bacon wrapped duck poppers, it was KILLER
![One of Chester's last hunts, hell of a dog.]()
One of Chester's last hunts, hell of a dog.
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