![Fathers day red drum, Shallows near Watts island]()
Fathers day red drum, Shallows near Watts island
![Early june, from the shallows]()
Early june, from the shallows
![early June, fishing in the shallows near Watts island]()
early June, fishing in the shallows near Watts island
![Early june, end of the rock run]()
Early june, end of the rock run
![Putting Flounder on the table.]()
Putting Flounder on the table.
![early May VA barrier island Rockfish]()
early May VA barrier island Rockfish
![Early May black drum from VA barrier islands]()
Early May black drum from VA barrier islands
![Personal best off the surf]()
Personal best off the surf
![A Virginia trophy season rockfish from the surf, with a tag!]()
A Virginia trophy season rockfish from the surf, with a tag!
![Smoked em in the surf, released 6 others]()
Smoked em in the surf, released 6 others
![A beautiful brown trout from a very remote stream in Patagonia Chile, not far from Magellans strait]()
A beautiful brown trout from a very remote stream in Patagonia Chile, not far from Magellans strait
![Nice salmon from New Zealand]()
Nice salmon from New Zealand
![Huge rainbow trout from the Hydro canals in New Zealand, this was an awesome place to fish]()
Huge rainbow trout from the Hydro canals in New Zealand, this was an awesome place to fish
![Snook from Mexico, fishing with Boca Pilla lodge]()
Snook from Mexico, fishing with Boca Pilla lodge
![From the pocomoke sound, the northern end of where they range]()
From the pocomoke sound, the northern end of where they range
![Another nice flounder form the wrecks]()
Another nice flounder form the wrecks
![From Blackfish reef off Chincoteague "the sub cars"]()
From Blackfish reef off Chincoteague "the sub cars"
![they just kept coming over the reail this year]()
they just kept coming over the reail this year
![24" Blackfish reef flounder]()
24" Blackfish reef flounder
![nice little knothead from 80ft]()
nice little knothead from 80ft
![Some nice offshore flounder]()
Some nice offshore flounder
![3rd tag we got this year!]()
3rd tag we got this year!
![Couple nice fish from Chincoteague]()
Couple nice fish from Chincoteague
![Some blueline tiles and Natural light, perfect day]()
Some blueline tiles and Natural light, perfect day
![Nice catch on the Robalo out of Chincoteague]()
Nice catch on the Robalo out of Chincoteague
![2014 was stellar year for offshore flounder fishing]()
2014 was stellar year for offshore flounder fishing
![A nice seabass from the Tower reef off Virginia beach]()
A nice seabass from the Tower reef off Virginia beach
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