![The guys slayed some bull dolphin]()
The guys slayed some bull dolphin
![Still can't learn how to hold a fish :)]()
Still can't learn how to hold a fish 🙂
![Action shot of a redfish in the boston whaler]()
Action shot of a redfish in the boston whaler
![They teamed up to get a nice rockfish!]()
They teamed up to get a nice rockfish!
![A nice coastal virginia striped bass]()
A nice coastal virginia striped bass
![A big striper from the virginia surf near Chincoteague]()
A big striper from the virginia surf near Chincoteague
![A nice Black drum south of Assateague]()
A nice Black drum south of Assateague
![A nice rockfish from the surf south of Assateague]()
A nice rockfish from the surf south of Assateague
![A nice black in the surf, her first!]()
A nice black in the surf, her first!
![A big striper form the surf]()
A big striper form the surf
![A nice black drum south of Chincoteague]()
A nice black drum south of Chincoteague
![A nice rockfish from the surf]()
A nice rockfish from the surf
![4 man limit of trophy rock and black drum]()
4 man limit of trophy rock and black drum
![a 40" striped bass they battled together south of Chincoteague]()
a 40" striped bass they battled together south of Chincoteague
![A perfect eating size black drum from the surf]()
A perfect eating size black drum from the surf
![A nice catch off the surf!]()
A nice catch off the surf!
![A black drum south of Saxis Virginia]()
A black drum south of Saxis Virginia
![Red drum south of Saxis Virginia]()
Red drum south of Saxis Virginia
![May 9th 2015 4 trophy rock and 4 black drum, released others!]()
May 9th 2015 4 trophy rock and 4 black drum, released others!
![another black from the virginia surf]()
another black from the virginia surf
![another short rock in the surf]()
another short rock in the surf
![2" below the trophy limit size in Virginia!]()
2" below the trophy limit size in Virginia!
![Pretty sportfisher docked in Mexico]()
Pretty sportfisher docked in Mexico
![Truck geared up for surf fishing]()
Truck geared up for surf fishing
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